
Brainspotting is an advanced brain-body technique that was created by David Grand, PhD. in 2003. This technique is based upon the concept that “where you look affects how you feel” and has been useful in treating emotional trauma, anxiety, depression, PTSD, attention issues (ADHD), anger issues, phobias, substance abuse, chronic fatigue/chronic pain, impulse control issues, sports performance issues and many other psycho-traumatic syndromes.

With the aid of a pointer, a trained Brainspotting therapist slowly guides the eyes of the client across their visual field to pinpoint the “brainspots” which are activating locations in the brain where traumatic memories and/or painful emotions have been stored.

Through this integrative model which involves a therapeutic relationship of “dual attunement” and by the therapist finding the brainspots within the client; the therapist triggers somatosensory experiences that are deeply seated and/or suppressed in the client’s brain which is oftentimes unreachable in traditional talk therapy. As a result, Brainspotting will help the client’s brain release traumatic emotions and memories to initiate a self-healing process; where new insights may emerge, internal shifts happen and the issue feels more neutralized, calmer or more at peace.

Brainspotting has been growing in popularity over the years and has been found to be an effective therapy to help people that have experienced traumatic events recover. Although still a novel field, some studies have reported positive results in patients who have undergone Brainspotting therapy. It is a model that can be facilitated online, it can enhance the effects of cognitive therapy and is well known for its fast results and positive outcome.

If you are interested in learning more about Brainspotting, please feel free to contact me today. I would love to help.